Sundays are always an enjoyable and eventful day for me.
I teach Sunday School on Sunday Mornings and I enjoy it. Last quarter I taught missions. This quarter I have crafts. Kids really like the craft session.
we do a rotating system in Sunday school and the children seem to enjoy it so much more than sitting in one class the whole morning. They are broke down by age groups and break into twenty minute sessions which include recreation, snack, craft, music & bible story which sometimes includes a puppet show.
I just wanted to share a few photos of the craft we did this last Sunday. The kids enjoyed it and that is all that matters to me. The week before we did a little clothes pin horse and they enjoyed that too. I am in the process of looking for a fun western theme craft for next Sunday and some to follow.
I sing on the praise team in the evening service and I enjoy that so much as well.
I tried to find a photo to share but I must have deleted I hope to share some videos soon as we are almost finished with our remodel in the sanctuary.